The home staging mother-daughter duo at your service!
Kelli and Kasie are mother and daughter as well as business partners. We have always enjoyed working together and pushing each other to follow our dreams. Kelli is a Broker/Owner with The McLaughlin Group working in real estate and has always had a great eye for clean design and a passion for helping others.
Kasie has worked as a Real Estate Marketing Manager and Executive Assistant for years although her true calling has ALWAYS been design. It was time to make a change! After 4 years we are thriving in our business and appreciate all of the organic growth we have had.
Kelli and Kasie joined forces and started Tailored Pro Design together with big dreams in mind! With our combined experience and our drive for success we are here to help you get top dollar for your home.
Home Staging “sets the stage” for your buyers to create that at home feeling. Occupied & vacant homes welcome! Let’s work together!